Best Advice Ever Given Book PDF Download

Best Advice Ever Given: Life Lessons for Success In the Real World (1001)
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Description of Best Advice Ever Given Book PDF Download

Name : Best Advice Ever Given Book PDF Download
Author : Invalid post terms ID.
Size : 1.98 MB
Pages : 321
Category : Self Help Books
Language : Hindi
Download Link:  Working

Best Advice Ever Given: Life Lessons for Success In the Real World (1001)


Summary of book Best Advice Ever Given Book PDF Download

Advice? Who needs it?
Apparently everyone, because we’re bombarded with it throughout our lives. The deluge begins with such dire parental warnings as, “If you don’t wear your galoshes, you’ll catch your death of cold!” and “Be careful or you’ll poke your eye out!” Aesop’s Fables and cautionary fairy tales intro- duce us to countless other moral messages. Whatever one’s faith, religious education focuses on some form of the “Do unto others” Golden Rule. High school and college literature courses include Polonius’s time-worn “to thine own self be true” catalog of counsel in Hamlet, and David Cop- perfield’s Mr. Micawber and his classic “Annual income twenty pounds.. .” explanation of financial planning. And just when we thought we were finished with faculty advisors and guidance counselors, graduation speak- ers send us on our way with their advice for getting ahead.
Opinions are everywhere. Got a medical problem? Doctors will dis- pense advice along with pills. A legal problem? Lawyers are in the busi- ness of providing counsel, which is why they’re referred to as counselors. Newspaper columnists such as “Dear Abby” and “Miss Manners” include advice in print. Religious leaders, infomercials, and television hosts like Oprah and Dr. Phil do so over the airwaves. Along with every other sort of information, the Internet is advice-rich in all manner of subjects. And throughout our lives, friends and relatives share wisdom and experience of varying degrees of usefulness that begin with a knowing nod and an “I’m going to give you a piece of advice…”

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